Manufacturing analytics (MA) and enterprise manufacturing intelligence (EMI) solutions are an emerging backbone of digital transformation in manufacturing. The power of these solutions comes from near-constant systematic data interrogation to transform vast amounts of manufacturing data streams into actionable signals and insights.
We recently caught up with conference chair Chaitanya Khare to discuss the upcoming Industry 4.0: Digital Transformation Conference (IDTC19) in Baltimore, MD, later this month.
In your opinion, what is the most important current trend in process technology?
Process technology is continuously evolving, and along with the growth and maintain mode, most of the industry would like to improve the efficiency of manufacturing plants. To do so, process technology today takes advantage of available data.
We need to remember, however, that when running a chemical process, context is quite important. So when looking for answers in available data, we need to keep context in mind, as opposed to simply mathematically searching for answers in data. And if we could actually take advantage of AI algorithms to improve plant efficiency while also respecting the chemical context, we could really change current trends for the better.
What sessions or speakers would you like to highlight as new or noteworthy for the Industry 4.0: Digital Transformation Conference?
All the sessions and speakers are extraordinary. The conference agenda presents a complete package that will allow an organization to begin its digital journey.
On day one, we will cover industry and government perspectives, to give a view of what's just over the horizon. The panel discussions will share insight into the thought process of current industry leaders.
On day two, we get an understanding of what is currently available, followed by what is required from an infrastructure perspective. And then we have case studies from the process industry and from an engineering company.
Also key are the workshops, which are designed to help answers questions like: What is the value of a digital transformation? How do you manage a cultural change within an organization during a digital transformation? How do you build a foundation for digital transformation?
For anyone working in the field of manufacturing 4.0 in a process industry, this is the conference to attend.
What message would you like the audience to take away from this year’s Industry 4.0: Digital Transformation Conference?
Attending this conference can help everyone start the journey towards a digitally transformed process industry. And don’t forget: 5.0 isn't that far away.
Industry 4.0: Digital Transformation Conference (IDTC19)
Join us at the Industry 4.0: Digital Transformation Conference (IDTC19) for an exclusive process-industry event dedicated to utilizing data-analytics guidance and decision-making solutions as part of Industry 4.0 programs to deliver operational performance improvement and competitive advantage.
IDTC19 will be held in Baltimore, MD on October 30-31. Learn more.

Chaitanya Khare
Chaitanya Khare is an EMI Development Engineer and has been leading the design and implementation of an EMI effort, redefining how Dow aggregates, visualizes, interprets, and utilizes its plant data in real time. Read more.