Chemical engineers have a valuable and widely applicable skill set, making them prime candidates for a variety of different careers.
Some career paths might be considered the norm, while others might be more unusual. Nevertheless, it's important to have a broad scope of potential careers within the field to ensure you've picked the right one.
We gathered some helpful content below:
Career paths for chemical engineers
Many engineers choose the traditional career path and work in the oil and gas, basic or specialty chemicals, or pharmaceutical industries. However, there are other career paths that might float under the radar, like the role ChEs can play in environmental sustainability, for example.
Consider a career in biotech
Although biotechnology isn't exactly a new field, there have been many recent developments, creating a high demand for chemical engineers in this booming industry. If you have an interest in biological drugs, biofuels, industrial biocatalysts, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), this could be a career to consider.
Consider a career in the water industry
This non-traditional career route could be very rewarding. It's an opportunity to become a part of a global industry, solve major challenges, and contribute to society in a meaningful way. If you also like the idea of traveling abroad, this could be the industry for you.