Transitioning to a management role in your organization?
We have gathered some helpful blog posts and series with information and advice on how to successfully make the change from engineer to manager.
From Chemical Engineering Concepts to Management Fundamentals Series
To help chemical engineers make the leap from engineering to management, this series looks at the parallels between basic chemical engineering concepts and management concepts. In other words, this is a way to see and understand the world of management from the perspective of a chemical engineer.
Tools and Tips for Successful Management and Leadership Series
This management and leadership blog series is dedicated to the tools, approaches, and strategies that managers can use to promote the success of individuals and the team, and thus also the organization and themselves.
Austin Lin Gives Us a Tour of the Management Division
Austin Lin currently works as a technical program manager at Google. He also serves as chair of the AIChE's Management Division. We recently chatted with Austin to learn more about what keeps him involved.