To help university professors and students adapt to the expanded need for online learning due to COVID-19, AIChE is providing special access to its Academy courses and webinars.
Professors who are AIChE members can apply to use a broad range of content, free of charge, as a supplement to the courses they're teaching. As for students, a wide range of online content is already free as a part of student membership benefits simply by logging into AIChE Academy, but the new program will also grant expanded access to additional courses if their professors have received special access. Students should ask their professors for information on how to access these additional courses.
Universities around the world taking part
To date, more than 160 professors of chemical engineering and related disciplines have requested content for online teaching. Requests have come from numerous US universities as well as from around the world, including Chulalorngorn University (Thailand), Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (Equador), Federal University of Alagoas (Brazil), Osmania University (India), Pukyong National University (Korea), and University of Koya (Iraq), to name just a few.
Want access to online courses and webinars?
Professors who are interested, but have not yet applied, can fill out this form to take part in the program. If you have already applied, you will be contacted by an AIChE staff member about the specific areas you expresed interest in.
If you are a student, you already have free access to a wide range of material by simply logging in to AIChE Academy, but you can also view any additional courses your professor has been granted access to. Please ask your professor for instructions on how to view these additional courses.
Good morning, I would like to ask you ti let me take the benefit as a student