Calling all AIChE Student Chapter members! The AIChE Executive Student Committee (ESC) is now accepting applications for the 2020-2021 term.
What is the Executive Student Committee?
The Executive Student Committee or ESC is the Institute’s only student-run committee and it strives to help student chapters get the most out of AIChE. The ESC is made up of undergraduate chemical engineering students from all over the world who work together to provide a variety of resources and opportunities for student chapters, through programs and initiatives like the Sister Chapter Program, K-12 Outreach, and Conference Experience. The ESC serves as the liaison between student chapters, AIChE staff, and the Student Chapters Committee and also helps to facilitate inter-chapter collaboration.
If you are interested in learning more about the ESC, you can visit this link.
Get involved!
The applications to serve on the 2020-2021 ESC are now open. Serving on the ESC offers you the opportunity to get further involved with AIChE outside your chapter, to grow and improve your leadership skills, and to collaborate and build relationships with other professional and undergraduate AIChE volunteers. Being part of the ESC is a one-year commitment. See links below for the corresponding applications.
How is the ESC structured?
ESC consists of an executive committee and eighteen subcommittees. There are regional subcommittees, and non-regional subcommittees. The regional committees consist of a regional chair and regional liaisons. The main job of the regional liaisons is to relay news and information to the student chapters in their respective region. They also relay any concerns the student chapter has to the regional chair. The regional chair supports the regional liaisons in their tasks, and works with the national director.
More information about the regional committees can be found here.
The four non-regional subcommittees are:
The non-regional subcommittees work to support these various programs mentioned above. More information about these subcommittees can be found using the links above.
Timeline for the application process
- Applications open until May 12, 2020
- Decisions to be announced May 19, 2020
- Term starts May 31, 2020
Apply here
Application links are listed below. You are encouraged to apply for multiple positions.
If you have any questions about this great opportunity for student chapter members, please feel free to contact Marissa Martine at chairman.esc@gmail.com.