Some new things are happening at CEP that will help to improve your virtual and IRL reading experience.
The new digital flipbook
Many CEP readers get the print issue delivered to their offices, using it to troubleshoot operational problems, check a spreadsheet, or accompany a well-deserved break. If you are working remotely or otherwise separated from your copy of CEP, you can now recreate the experience of flipping through the pages virtually.
Introducing the CEP digital flipbook. Beginning with the June 2020 issue, you can now flip through an exact replica of the print edition on nearly any device with a web browser.
The new digital flipbook has the same layout and design as the print edition but can be accessed from the CEP homepage. Enjoy the easy-to-read, intuitive, and attractive layout of the print CEP from anywhere.
Access the latest issue by clicking the CEP Digital Flipbook button on the navigation bar of the CEP webpage and signing in with your AIChE member credentials.
Updated print issue
We pride ourselves not only on CEP's technical guidance, career advice, and AIChE news, but also on its good looks. The print edition has been given a modern refresh.
The table of contents has been overhauled to make it easier to spot your favorite column and navigate to articles that catch your attention. You can scan the QR code to quickly transition from print to the CEP app and read CEP on the go.
From the table of contents, each article topic is color coded, so you can always spot, for example, feature articles on Safety that are orange, Reactions and Separations articles that are blue, and Back to Basics features that are green.
It is our hope that updated fonts, a streamlined design, and a simplified but eye-catching layout will help you to browse and discover new content and quickly find the information you need.
This digital flipbook won't let me login to read the whole thing