There are some great discussions happening on AIChE Engage's Discussion Central and Student Central. If you haven't yet participated, hop on over and share your opinions, or just have a look.
Discussion Central
Please note only professional members can post in Discussion Central.
COVID-19 vaccines produced in more biopharma facilities
Steve Cutchen asks how easy would it be to manufacture Pfizer or Moderna vaccines in another biopharma's facility, with the assumption that the Defense Production Act was invoked to appropriate their manufacturing.
Choosing the right thesis advisor
Maharram Jabrayilov asks what is important to consider when selecting an advisor for the next five years. If you have completed a PhD, you probably can share some how-to's and how-not-to's that could help another chemical engineer.
See advice others have offered, and give your own tips.
Experience with PSPP
Peter Wrampe asks about the viability of PSPP as an occasional open-source alternative to IBM's SPSS. Do you have experience with PSPP, and can you offer tips and insights to possible advantages or shortcomings?
Share your experience and thoughts.
Start a new discussion!
The Engage Discussion Central community is always looking for members to post new questions to encourage participation.
Student Central
Please note only student members can post in Student Central.
Future demands in chemical engineering
Maria Carmona-Montalvo asks what you think chemical engineering will be like in 15 years in terms of importance, functionality, and content? Specifically, she asks about the potential usefulness of a second language, and the importance of being able to work on global teams. What are you thoughts on these two points, and do you have other ideas about the evolution of chemical engineering and its demands?
Recycling cigarette butts
Nishchal Baniya asks for thoughts and ideas to help him carry out his plan to recycle cigarette butts. Do you have any expertise in this area, or any ideas that could be helpful?
Current Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI)
Jaime Rafael Lara Muñoz is working on a project and asks whether anyone can help him figure out the CEPCI for 2020 or for a specific month in 2020. Do you know where he can find this information?