This fall, ChEnected is introducing readers to AIChE’s 2021 Institute and Board of Directors’ Award recipients. These awards are AIChE’s highest honors, and each candidate is nominated by the chemical engineering community and voted upon by the members of AIChE’s volunteer-led Awards Committee. The prizes recognize outstanding achievements and world-class contributions across a spectrum of chemical engineering endeavors.
The Institute Award for Excellence in Industrial Gases Technology recognizes sustained contributions to the advancement of technology in the production, distribution, and application of industrial gases. The award is sponsored by Linde.

Dr. Soroush’s recognition
The 2021 Industrial Gases Award is being presented to Masoud Soroush, Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Drexel University.
Dr. Soroush is being honored “for advancing the frontiers of gas-separation technologies through the fabrication of novel polymer membranes and the development of process systems engineering methods and software.”
Among his accomplishments pertinent to this honor, Soroush, in a long-term collaboration with Air Liquide, addressed a series of industrial gas problems, and transferred his technologies — including gas separation polymer membranes and process systems engineering methods for gas-separation — to the company. His work in process systems engineering has resulted in improvements across the industrial gases sector.
Soroush and the other Institute and Board of Directors’ Award recipients received their awards at the 2021 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 7–11 in Boston, Massachusetts. A video presentation of the awards will be available for viewing the following week at a virtual version of the Annual Meeting.
More about this year’s winner
Masoud Soroush received his BS in chemical engineering from Abadan Institute of Technology, Iran, and his MS and PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he also earned an MS in electrical engineering systems. After graduating from the University of Michigan, he joined Drexel University where, in addition to his teaching and research, he directs the National-Science-Foundation-sponsored Smart Manufacturing Research Experiences for Undergraduates program.
Over the past decade, Soroush has concentrated on advancing gas-separation technologies through the creation of novel polymer membranes and the development of process systems engineering methods and software. His research also incorporates functional safety, nanomaterials, cybermanufacturing, distributed manufacturing, polymers, and renewable power generation and storage systems. He has document his work in six books and more than 350 publications, including over 210 widely cited papers.
Soroush is a Fellow of AIChE and a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He represented AIChE on the American Automatic Control Council’s Board of Directors from 2010–2013. Among many honors, he received the U.S. National Science Foundation Faculty Early CAREER Award and the O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award from the American Automatic Control Council.
Stay in the know
ChEnected is featuring the other 2021 Institute and Board of Directors’ Award recipients in this series. Visit the ChEnected series regularly to meet all of this year’s honorees. Visit aiche.org/awards to see all award winners.