Mike Levy is a Senior Associate at First Environment, Inc., a member of the steering committee for the 3rd Global Symposium on Waste Plastic, and a keynote speaker at the conference. He will be presenting "Circular Economy Standards Development Update – How Will the Plastics Industry be Impacted?”.
We caught up with Mike about the conference and what attendees can look forward to at this virtual conference taking place November 2–4, 2021.
What sets this conference apart from others?
This conference draws upon experts with wide experience from many different points of view – industry, government/policy makers, NGOs, consumers, standards groups – who have a common interest in sharing information and working collaboratively to seek positive solutions to addressing programs that will minimize future waste plastics pollution, and be updated on new technology (e.g., advanced/chemical recycling technologies for plastics) to help achieve these goals.
What are you most looking forward to at this conference?
AIChE through these Global Symposium on Waste Plastics conferences provides a forum for the exchange of valuable information and learnings from a wide variety of experts and points of view – NGOs, standards bodies, policymakers, industry, university professors and students, and consumers – with a focus on collaboration and seeking shared solutions to the issues around minimizing waste plastics and their impact on the environment.
What’s something that every attendee will walk away with after attending this symposium?
Collaboration and cooperation are really key in addressing and helping to minimize waste plastics in the environment. No one stakeholder groups can do this alone. Industry working with policy makers/universities and researchers, NGOs, standards groups and consumers all have an important role to play in minimizing future waste plastics and their impacts on the environment.
Learn more about the 3rd Global Symposium on Waste Plastic and register today.