Engineers Week 2022: Help Bring Engineering to K-12 Students

February 20–26 is Engineers Week, and as it has done for more than 30 years, the program invites engineers to visit K-12 classrooms to share their passion for math, science, and engineering with students. The theme for this anniversary year is “Reimagining the Possible.” Below, you can find ways to get involved in the week’s activities, as well as ways to introduce students to STEM careers throughout the year.

Get involved in Engineers Week

Engineers Week is an opportunity for chemical engineers and biological engineers to get involved with K-12 students to talk about engineering. Most students don’t have a good idea of what engineers do or how they contribute to society, so this is your chance to introduce them to what we do. One way you can get involved is to register for the AIChE Engineers Week webinar on Wednesday, February 23. Check out the various other ways you can celebrate Engineers Week

74% of educators say their students do not have many opportunities to meet an engineer or technical professional

DiscoverE provides a lot of resources for volunteers such as advice on how to effectively speak to and engage students when talking about engineering, and it also provides proven DiscoverE activities and materials. Check out what they offer, and consider getting involved in your area, whether during Engineers Week or at another time during the year.

Other opportunities for K-12 outreach at AIChE

In addition to Engineers Week and other DiscoverE outreach programs, you can also join AIChE’s K-12 outreach efforts to bring chemical engineering to students. Learn more about AIChE's efforts by getting involved in the AIChE K-12 Community’s work. The K-12 Community has created a number of educational modules on various topics, such as digestive systems at chemical plants, air quality, and viruses. Check them out on the community page

Opportunities for chemical engineering students

If you’re a chemical engineering student, take advantage of existing outreach programs that many student chapters already have, such as the UVA student chapter, or the University of Houston student chapter, whose efforts, among others, have been profiled here on ChEnected. And if your chapter doesn’t have an existing program, consider starting one. Much material already exists to successfully share engineering with students.

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 Be a part of AIChE and help inspire the next generation of chemical engineers! Join or renew your AIChE membership today at