April 22 is Earth Day, when people around the world voice their support for environmental protection. Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 by 20 million Americans. Today, it is celebrated by one billion worldwide.The theme for Earth Day 2022 is “Invest In Our Planet.” For more information about Earth Day 2022 and accompanying activities and campaigns, visit earthday.org.
So how else can you get involved? We’ve put together a list of our favorite ways chemical engineers like you can celebrate Earth Day and continue to support the environment all year long.
Earth Day livestream
This year, Earthday.org and their partners are hosting the Earth Day Climate Action Summit. Join their livestream to learn about some key solutions that will help deliver the greenhouse gas reductions needed by 2030 to meet the Paris Agreement.
Get involved
There’s no better way to get involved than to join a community of like-minded individuals. Consider joining the the Institute for Sustainability (IfS), Environmental Division or the Climate Solutions Community.
Upcoming AIChE events
The 4th Solar Energy Systems Conference focuses on solar energy innovation, challenges, and opportunities for engineers and other stakeholders. Topics covered include solar fuels, thermal energy storage and heat-transfer media, modeling and simulation innovations, and industry representation and needs.
The 2022 Ethylene Middle East Technology Conference (EMET) was created for professionals looking to develop their technical knowledge and optimize their position in the fast-evolving ethylene industry by increased operational efficiency, sustainability, and excellence.
Explore all content relating to sustainability and the environment.
Sustainability certification
The AIChE Credential for Sustainability Professionals (ACSP) will distinguish recipients as qualified experts in sustainability, and will be useful for engineers who aspire to the Professional Engineering License. The program is also designed to help companies control training costs by pooling expertise and by providing readily accessible resources that have been evaluated for quality.
Foundation giving fund
Are you passionate about environmental protection? The AIChE Foundation and Environmental Division are pleased to announce their latest collaboration, the Environmental Division Endowment Fund.
Learn more on how your support can grow the fund.
The goal of the AIChE Water Initiative is to become the foremost catalyst in applying chemical engineering expertise in meeting societal needs in the area of water quality, sustainability, and security. Donations made towards the initiative help support activities in our global water efforts.