The Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) AIChE Student Chapter gives us a warm welcome in their video and an introduction to their university, which is located in Guayaquil, Ecuador. This public university has eight departments that focus on engineering, science, the arts, and communications. And in the video, we see various views of the campus where student chapter members work towards their chemical engineering degrees.
You’ll hear from the executive committee of AIChE ESPOL about how they dealt with canceled and delayed plans during the pandemic, as well as how they got back on their feet by taking full advantage of virtual platforms. Among the activities the chapter organizes are essential workshops, basic chemical engineering webinars, K-12 outreach, the Chem-E-Car Competition®, and variety of fun online events. Their story is one of turning adversity into success, and the AIChE Executive Committee is grateful for their participation in the Show-and-Tell video challenge.
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To know more exciting details about AIChE ESPOL stay in touch through their website and their accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter.