The Community of Process Engineers, founded by Scott and Karen Love, has just released their third podcast episode in a series that focuses on the importance of process engineers and why they remain at the core of a wide range of industries within the chemical engineering profession.
This episode features prominent process engineers Dr. Jill Craven and Dr. Ogochukwu Enekwizu, who discuss what led to their careers as process engineers, their experiences navigating industry as women and minorities, and how AIChE has contributed to their professional growth.
They also home in on the value of mentorship, how having a mentor has helped them achieve success, and why they would recommend this route to aspiring chemical engineering professionals.
You can listen to this episode below!
New episodes in this series will be featured on aiche.org/giving/podcasts. Stay tuned!
Join the Community of Process Engineers
Process Engineer Perspective Talks (PEP Talks)
AIChE has launched a new series of virtual presentations called Process Engineer Perspective (PEP) Talks, which feature perspectives of process engineers on topics relevant to other process engineers. Join us every second Thursday of the month to get to know your fellow process engineers. Attendance is free.
The Community of Process Engineers is brought to you by Scott & Karen Love. Their support enables the AIChE Foundation to advance process engineers at every stage of their career allowing them to Do a World of Good.
AIChE Foundation – Doing a World of Good Campaign