Special Issue: Professional Development
Good Engineers Can Make Good Lawyers
When pondering what to do with your chemical engineering degree, consider law. Many engineering skills prove valuable in a legal career as well.
Should You Consider an MBA?
In this article, three chemical engineers describe their experiences pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and give advice for those considering returning to school for an MBA.
An Insider’s Guide to Hiring a Consultant
Knowing how to select and work with consultants is an important skill. This article provides valuable insights from an experienced consultant about the process of obtaining consulting services.
Angel Investing in Start-Ups: Putting Your Experience to Work
Angel investors drive industry innovation and enjoy collaborating with start-up founders and fellow investors. Angel groups make it easy to get started and can increase financial returns while reducing risk.
Winning Strategies for a Successful Job Search
Use these three key steps to ensure a focused and successful job search.
Back to Basics: Report Experimental Data Effectively
Research, design, and simulation require reliable and accurate data. Use these principles and best practices for reporting experimental results.
- Researchers Bioengineer Soybean Plants to Increase Yield
- New Method "Beheads" and Breaks Down PFAS
- Lab-on-a-Chip Provides Real-Time Monitoring of Liquids
- A Biodegradable Battery Made from Crab Shells
- Business Update
- Editorial: Reversing the Quiet Quitting Trend
- Catalyzing Commercialization: A Novel, Low-Cost Sustainable Process to Produce Silicon Carbide
- AIChE Journal Highlight: Maintaining the Strong Core of Chemical Engineering
- Process Safety Beacon: Communication — The Heart of Safe Operations
- New Products: Environmental, Health, and Safety; Instrumentation; Fluids and Solids Handling
- Advanced Manufacturing Progress: Addressing the Gaps Exposed by the Pandemic
- ChE in Context: Recent Plastic Policy Initiatives and Opportunities for ChEs
- Annual Meeting Preview
- Institute News
- Dordick, Khademhosseini to be Honored at AIChE Annual Meeting
- News from AIChE’s Board of Directors
- AIChE Election Ballots Due Oct. 18
- In Memoriam: Earl R. Beaver
The October issue of CEP is now available on the AIChE website, on the CEP app, and as a digital flipbook.