Jennifer Mize is the group leader for Process Safety Design in Eastman's Global HSES organization. She is focused on process safety including relief design, process hazard analysis, and LOPA.
Jennifer also serves as the chair of the 12th Process Safety Management Mentoring (PSMM) Forum, which takes place at the 2023 Spring Meeting and 19th Global Congress on Process Safety in Houston, Texas. This year’s Forum will consist of one of five parallel symposia tracks included in the Global Congress on Process Safety (GCPS).
We recently reached out to Jennifer to find out what we can expect at this year’s Forum.
What is your role for the 2023 AIChE Spring Meeting & 19th Global Congress on Process Safety?
I am the 2023 Chair of the Process Safety Management Mentoring (PSMM) Symposia. As Vice Chair of the Safety & Health Division, I am coordinating our Annual Dinner on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at 6:00 PM. You can sign up for the dinner when you register for the Spring Meeting and GCPS!
Can you give us some insight into this year’s GCPS and what events shouldn’t be missed?
This year’s Process Safety Management Mentoring (PSMM) Symposia brings back some favorite topics, such as The Day PSM Hit Home and our three tutorial sessions sponsored by CCPS, LPS, and PPSS. These are great opportunities for those new to process safety to get an introduction to process safety topics from the experts!
We are also excited to host a panel session on The Faces of Process Safety: Process Safety Mentoring for Our IDEAL Workforce. We also have sessions designed to highlight underlying process safety concerns that may be “hiding under the radar” and that “should be keeping you up at night,” along with looking at the impact of cognitive bias in process safety.
What information are you hoping attendees walk away with?
I hope attendees will feel better equipped to recognize process safety issues and engage others in finding practical and collaborative solutions to managing risk. I also hope they will be able to build their network and connections with each other and experts in process safety!
Learn more about the 2023 Spring Meeting and 19th GCPS.
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