The rank of Fellow is AIChE’s highest grade of membership and is achieved only through election by the Board of Directors. Candidates for AIChE Fellow are nominated by their peers and must have significant chemical engineering experience (generally 25 years), have demonstrated significant service to the profession, and have been a member of AIChE for at least 10 years.
Here are some of the most recently elected Fellows. More Fellows will be introduced in future issues of CEP and here on ChEnected.
Christina Chan
Christina Chan is University Distinguished Professor and Interim Chairperson of the Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Dept. at Michigan State Univ., where she also holds appointments in the Depts. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomedical Engineering, and Computer Science and Engineering. Her lab applies a multifaceted approach to investigate the role of soluble cues from the microenvironment on modulating the signaling and regulatory pathways that contribute to diseases. She has published more than 160 journal articles, reviews, book chapters, and conference papers. Among various roles, she has served as a leader of AIChE’s Food, Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering Div.
Warren A. Greenfield
Warren A. Greenfield is President of WG Associates LLC (Wayne, NJ), where he consults on process safety engineering and process safety management. He has more than 50 years of experience in the chemicals industry, with expertise in production, process development, process engineering, and process safety. He has worked for companies including Dupont, Union Carbide, International Specialty Products, and Ashland. Active in AIChE for more than 50 years, he is currently a consultant for AIChE’s Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS). He is a Fellow of CCPS, a licensed professional engineer in NJ, and a CCPS Certified Process Safety Professional (CCPSC).
Dan Hickman
Dan Hickman is a Senior R&D Fellow in the Dow Chemical Co.’s Core R&D/Engineering and Process Science Dept. He has served as a subject matter expert and technical leader in reaction engineering and process development for numerous reaction systems across Dow’s businesses and technologies. He holds 24 patents and has authored 31 journal articles and book chapters, as well as more than 120 internal Dow reports. He has been active in AIChE’s Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Div. and the Awards Committee. He earned his BS from Iowa State Univ. and his PhD from the Univ. of Minnesota, both in chemical engineering.
LaShanda T. J. Korley
LaShanda T. J. Korley is Distinguished Professor in the Depts. of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical and Bio-molecular Engineering at the Univ. of Delaware (UD). She is also the Director of UD’s Center for Plastics Innovation — one of the DOE’s Energy Frontier Research Centers; and Co-Director of UD’s Center for Hybrid, Active, and Responsive Materials — an NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center. Within AIChE, she has chaired or co-chaired numerous conference sessions for the Materials Engineering and Sciences Div. (MESD) and is active in the Women in Chemical Engineering Community (WIC). She earned her PhD in chemical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Jae W. Lee
Jae W. Lee is Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). After beginning his career at SSangyong Oil (now S-Oil), he earned a PhD in chemical engineering at Carnegie Mellon Univ. and performed post-doctoral research at RWTH Aachen Univ. He then joined the faculty at City College of NY before moving to KAIST in 2012. He has published more than 230 referred-journal articles and holds 42 patents with 40 patents-pending, documenting his research focused on CO2-conversion, CO2 utilization and H2 production in chemical looping, energy systems, and process intensification.
Daniel G. McCartney
Daniel G. McCartney is a gas process consultant at McCartney Gas Advisors, LLC (Overland Park, KS). In a 50-year career, he has built his expertise in natural gas processing through his work in industry and in engineering contractor roles. He has documented his research on gas processing, refrigerants, and liquefied natural gas in numerous patents and dozens of publications. He is also the author (with Kidnay and Parrish) of the book Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing, now in its third edition. He is a gas-processing instructor at the Colorado School of Mines and a chemical engineering alumnus of the Univ. of Kansas.