The rank of Fellow is AIChE’s highest grade of membership and is achieved only through election by the Board of Directors. Candidates for AIChE Fellow are nominated by their peers and must have significant chemical engineering experience (generally 25 years), have demonstrated significant service to the profession, and have been a member of AIChE for at least 10 years.
Here are some of the most recently elected Fellows. More Fellows will be introduced in future issues of CEP and here on ChEnected.
James R. Beilstein
James R. Beilstein is the Vice President of Global Supply Chain and Operations for Owens Corning’s Insulation Business Unit, where he helps to build the company’s net zero insulation supply chain. Overall, he has more than 26 years of experience and leadership in manufacturing, information technology, and R&D. A member of AIChE’s Board of Directors, he serves on the Institute’s Finance, Nominating, and Awards Committees, and he is a member of the Computing and Systems Technology (CAST) and Management Divisions. He is an alumnus of Lehigh Univ. and the Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, where he earned his BS and PhD, respectively.
Jerry Forest
Jerry Forest is the Senior Director of Process Safety at Celanese. With nearly 40 years of industry experience, his mission is to apply his manufacturing expertise to process safety. Among his contributions, he created the Walk the Line industry workshop, aimed at reducing human-factor causes of process safety events. He has been a leader of AIChE’s Safety and Health Div., and is active in various committees and projects of AIChE’s Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS). He has also chaired the AIChE/CCPS Process Plant Safety Symposium, and has published articles in Process Safety Progress and other periodicals.
Jennifer F. Mize
Jennifer F. Mize, PE, CCPSC, is the Manager of Global Process Safety, Design Services, at Eastman Chemical Co., where she has developed expertise in relief system design and risk-based process safety. She is a leader of AIChE’s East Tennessee Local Section and the Safety and Health Div., and she served as Chair of the 2023 Process Safety Management Mentoring Forum at the 19th Global Congress on Process Safety. Within AIChE’s Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), she chairs the Process Safety Incident Database (PSID) Steering Committee and is a member of the CCPS Process Safety Professional Certification (CCPSC) Managing and Exam Committees.
Connect with Jennifer on Engage.
William P. Raiford
William P. Raiford is the Senior Director of Technology, Corporate Development, at the the Chemours Co., where he leads projects to develop a clean U.S. hydrogen ecosystem through collaboration with corporate, state, and federal stakeholders. He was recently Senior Director of Technology for the company’s global titanium dioxide pigment business. A member of AIChE for more than 40 years, he currently serves on the Board of Directors and is a member of the Finance and Nominating Committees. He is the Board liaison to AIChE’s Awards Committee and a Trustee of the AIChE Foundation.
Connect with William on Engage.
Raymond Rooks
Raymond Rooks is Principal Engineer at MATRIC/AVN Corp., where his work focuses on process development, separations, and pilot plant processes, especially related to complex distillation. A leader of AIChE’s Process Development Div., he has been a presenter and session chair at the Institute’s Spring and Annual meetings. He is also a member of AIChE’s Chemical Engineering Technology Operating Council (CTOC), is a member of the editorial board for Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, serves on the RAPID Manufacturing Institute’s Education Workforce Development Committee, and is active in the Separations Div. He earned his PhD in chemical engineering from the Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst.
Connect with Raymond on Engage.
Shiping Zhu
Shiping Zhu is Distinguished University Professor and a former Chemical Engineering Dept. chair at McMaster Univ., where his research interests include polymer reaction engineering, kinetic modeling and process digitalization, catalytic polymerization of olefins, controlled radical polymerization, and smart polymer materials. He has trained more than 150 postgraduates and has published more than 400 journal papers. A Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Canada, and the World Academy of Sciences, he is a vice president of the Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and founding director of the Shenzhen Institute for Advanced Polymer Materials.
Connect with Shiping on Engage.