Supporting LOPA with Fault Tree Analysis
Risk management tools like layers of protection analysis (LOPA) can oversimplify risk analyses. More advanced tools such as fault tree analysis can expand these simple studies and make them more accurate.
Heat Transfer
Is Rollover Possible in an Ammonia Storage Tank?
This article demystifies the confusion surrounding a phenomenon known as rollover and explains that it is not possible in tanks containing pure ammonia.
Process Design and Development
Challenges of Minor Impurities in Process Development
Impurities bring additional complexities to separations, often beyond what is normally considered during conceptualization. Process design needs to take these complexities into account.
Career Catalyst
Closing the Gap Between Education and Industry
Standard engineering pedagogy often fails to fully prepare students for the transition from school to the workplace. This article presents the many ways that students, professors, and employers can help bridge this gap. Read this article now
- A New Type of Antibiotic Combats Drug-Resistant Bacteria
- Nanocoatings Protect Microbes for Regenerative Agriculture
- Scientists Unravel Defect-Free Crystal Growth Courtesy of Dolomite
- Engineering the Next Wave of Biocatalysts
- Business Update
- Editorial: From New Hire to Rockstar: Closing the Gap
- Catalyzing Commercialization: Paper Coating Enables World’s First Water Filter for Pennies
- AIChE Journal Highlight: Mimicking Nanoparticle Transport in Biological Systems
- Process Safety Beacon: Vacuum Can Put a Dent in Your Process
- New Products: Instrumentation; Fluids and Solids Handling; Software; Laboratory Equipment; Materials and Chemicals; Heat Transfer; Environmental Health and Safety
- Career Connection: Leverage Your Performance Review for Career Advancement
- Profile: Paving a Path for Others to Become Engineers
- Meeting Sneak Peek
- AIChE Spring Meeting Set for New Orleans, March 24–28
- Global Congress on Process Safety to Mark 20 Years
- Mark Lashier of Phillips 66 is Named AGILE Keynote Lecturer
- Institute News
- RAPID Manufacturing Institute Receives Renewed DOE Funding to Support Decarbonization of Chemical Manufacturing
- Meet Some of AIChE’s Recently Elected Fellows
The February issue of CEP is now available on the AIChE website, on the CEP app, and as a digital flipbook.