In its relaunch for 2024, the AIChE Chemical Engineering for Good Challenge (ACE4G) will again award cash prizes for winning submissions from chemical engineering students. This competition encourages chemical engineering students and their colleagues to consider how chemical engineering know-how can be applied in an appropriate way to improve the quality of life for communities in the developing world.
Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three entries in the amounts of $500, $200, and $100.
Collaboration with other chapters and partners
Participating AIChE student chapters are strongly encouraged to partner with organizations, such as Engineers Without Borders, that can contribute experience in applying appropriate technology on microscale projects in small, technically unsophisticated communities.
Two or more AIChE student chapters can also collaborate on an ACE4G entry, and the number of chapters involved will not affect judging. The competition particularly encourages collaborations between US and international AIChE chapters to promote the sharing of multiple points of view and experiences.
The ACE4G competition is a joint effort of the Career and Education Operating Council (CEOC) and the Student Chapters Committee of AIChE.
Submission deadline is May 15th.