Process safety is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of risks requires continuous learning, innovation, and collaboration. The Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS) – a key part of the 2025 Global Congress on Process Safety (GCPS) – has been at the forefront of these efforts for nearly six decades. Each year, LPS brings together experts to discuss technological advancements, explosion prevention, fire protection, and lessons learned from real-world incidents.
We recently sat down with LPS Chair Katie Mulligan to find out what attendees can expect at the 59th LPS and to get insights into key topics, sessions, and more.
As Chair of the Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS), what are some key themes or focus areas that attendees can expect to see highlighted at this year’s conference?
The 59th LPS will continue to deliver top-tier programming from technical experts, with the goal of preventing serious loss incidents that involve fires, explosions, and chemical releases in the chemical processing and related industries. The symposium will offer lessons learned from incident investigations, as well as explorations of facility siting, risk assessment, explosion prevention, fire protection, alternative energy, hydrogen safety, and more!
The LPS Symposium is an integral part of the Global Congress on Process Safety (GCPS). In your view, how does LPS contribute to the overall goals and impact of the GCPS?
The GCPS is a tremendous opportunity to learn from and network with loss prevention experts. In the LPS sessions, attendees can explore the latest innovations in chemical engineering and process safety – and network with global professionals. Furthermore, LPS has partnered with the Process Safety Management Mentoring Symposium (PSM2) to deliver a LPS Tutorials session. Attendees at all levels can access information that can improve the safety of ongoing operations.
LPS has a strong emphasis on technological advancements, innovative solutions, and lessons learned in process safety. Can you share a preview of any particularly exciting sessions, topics, or speakers planned for this year?
In 2025, LPS will offer papers on long-standing topics such as facility siting, fires, explosions and chemical reactivity, and combustible dusts, where attendees can learn about NFPA 660, the new consolidated combustible dust standard. Additionally, GCPS attendees should bookmark LPS sessions dedicated to the technology of process safey, battery safety, and modeling for risk quantification.
As a member of the Process Safety Division (PSD) IDEAL Committee, how do you see the committee’s initiatives impacting the Spring Meeting and GCPS, and are there any specific initiatives or outcomes you’re particularly proud of?
The PSD IDEAL Committee supports AIChE’s IDEAL commitment through meaningful engagement with Process Safety Division membership and AIChE’s IDEAL Communities. We will continue to co-sponsor IDEAL events at the 2025 GCPS and share a practical digital accessibility guide for authors, so we can ensure that GCPS is a welcoming space where all can learn and contribute to the process safety community.
Learn more about the 2025 Spring Meeting and 21st GCPS.
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