Emma Rawlins on Stem Cell Engineering
A preview of the work Emma Rawlins of the Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, will discuss at the upcoming 7th International Conference on Stem Cell Engineering in Barcelona.
A preview of the work Emma Rawlins of the Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, will discuss at the upcoming 7th International Conference on Stem Cell Engineering in Barcelona.
Learn how numerous fields are coming together in pursuit of regenerative engineering solutions, and understand the field's special challenges.
Suddenly, synthetic biology is being discussed a lot beyond the walls of academia and the pages of scientific journals. Today, it abounds in the mainstream press.
Using nanostraws, scientists can now sample cell contents without disrupting a cell's natural processes.
As we approach ICBE 2017, which begins this weekend in San Diego, we look back at some of the exciting research that figured among 2016's highlights and look forward to the new developments to be unveiled at ICBE 2017.
The U.S. government announced this week that it is putting aside $55 million to create a public database with health information on about one million volunteers.
A group called the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (known as the Global Alliance) wants to maximize the use of genetic
Any short list of cutting-edge engineers will likely include Caltech’s Frances Arnold, a pioneer in protein engineeri