Chemistry Shorts: Cracking Chirality
How is it that mirror versions of otherwise identical molecules exist in nature? That’s the question two scientists at Harvard are trying to answer.
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How is it that mirror versions of otherwise identical molecules exist in nature? That’s the question two scientists at Harvard are trying to answer.
If you need help with nonlinear equations and want to use Excel Solver for the task, this tutorial is for you. Looking for tips and courses on other topics? Read on.
Know how to solve a material balance problem for a system with a purge? Check out this chemical engineering tutorial.
Check out this student chapter video from Brazil, the latest entry in the challenge.
Check out the latest set of videos for the 2019 Chem-E-Car competitors.
Want to see a preview of this year's Chem-E-Car competitors? Check out the videos submitted by the 2019 teams.
Check out the latest set of Chem-E-Car videos submitted by the 2019 teams.
Check out the second set of videos for the 2019 Chem-E-Car competitors.
Want to see a preview of this year's Chem-E-Car competitors? Check out the videos submitted by the 2019 teams.
Chemical engineer is awarded patent for carbon dioxide capture at the age of 101.
Check out the latest video submissions from the teams competing in the 2018 Chem-E-Car Competition® in Pittsburgh.
Check out the latest video submissions from the teams competing in the 2018 Chem-E-Car Competition® in Pittsburgh.
Check out the latest video submissions from the teams competing in the 2018 Chem-E-Car Competition® in Pittsburgh.
40 teams will participate in the 2018 Annual Chem-E-Car Competition® in Pittsburgh on October 28 from 12:30 - 4:00pm EDT.
Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) accepts the challenge and shares a video about its AIChE Student Chapter.
University of Cincinnati (UC) accepts the challenge and shares a video about its AIChE Student Chapter.
This tutorial on using Excel for circulation calculations shows how to use Excel and the Colebrook equation to create Moody diagrams.
University of College London (UCL) accepts the challenge and shares a video about its AIChE Student Chapter.
The Executive Student Committee of AIChE introduces the ESC "Show-and-Tell" Video Challenge.
If you need to visualize a distribution or estimate probability, then a histogram in Excel is probably what you’re looking for.
See 2017 spotlight videos from Iowa State University, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, University of Cincinnati, University of Southern California, Northwest University, KAIST, Texas A&M University, Kingsville, University of California, Los Angeles, and Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
See 2017 spotlight videos from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, Cornell University, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, University of Marlyand, QU AIChE / Qatar University, The City College of New York, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín, National Taiwan University, Virginia Tech, and Washington State University.
See 2017 spotlight videos from, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, McMaster University, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, The University of Kentucky, Paducah, The University of North Alabama, Universite Laval, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, University of Michigan, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, and VIT University.
More than 40 teams will participate in the 2017 Annual Chem-E-Car Competition® in Minneapolis on October 29 from 12:30 - 4:00pm.
Whether you're looking for inspiration or just a little downtime between tasks, here are some great TED Talk moments to enrich your day.
Excel can be a chemical engineer's best friend, but when you can't figure out how to make something work, suddenly it's your worst enemy.
Forty-one teams will participate in the 2016 Annual Chem-E-Car Competition® in San Francisco on November 13 from 12:30 - 3:30pm.
Forty-one teams will participate in the 2016 Annual Chem-E-Car Competition® in San Francisco on November 13 from 12:30 - 3:30pm.
Forty one teams will participate in the 2016 Annual Chem-E-Car Competition® in San Francisco on November 13 from 12:30 - 3:30pm.
Forty-one teams will participate in the 2016 Annual Chem-E-Car Competition® in San Francisco on November 13 from 12:30 - 3:30pm.
Nominations are now being accepted for the AIChE 35 Under 35 Award.
What is the "true north of capitalism?" It's a vital question asked by the film Circularity: Preparing for the New Economy.
Voting has begun, so take a look, cast your vote and help choose the winners.
Not sure when cascade control makes sense? Unclear about its drawbacks, or how it's properly implemented?
This latest tutorial from Learn ChemE derives the rate expression for a Michaelis-Menten kinetics.
One of the world's great remaining mysteries is the actual size of Saudi Arabia's oil reserves. But whatever the answer — what is non-peak, Alex?
Voting has begun, so take a look, cast your vote and help choose the winners.
The 2015 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering has been awarded to the groundbreaking chemical engineer Dr.
AIChE President Elect Cheryl Teich and 2011 President Maria Burka took a moment out of their day at the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting in Atlanta to reflect on opportunities and challenges for women in
Olivier Dubois of the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization sat down with ChEnected to discuss challenges of the food-water-energy nexus and some of the steps that can be taken to address these challenges.
In 2014, AIChE sponsored three students to take part in WISE Internships in Washington, DC.
Herb Cabezas, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), presented approaches for analysis of complex systems such as the energy-water-food nexus at the AIChE's World Café during the Annual Meeting. He sat down with ChEnected to discuss some of the basic concepts.
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair Wayne Bequette had a chance to sit down with Edward L. Cussler, the Distinguished Institute Professor at the University of Minnesota.
2012's Professional Progress Award Winner Brian Korgel, UT Austin, interviews the 2013 award winner, Kelvin Lee, University of Delaware.
Nadya Fouad of Univ. of Wisconsin sat down with AIChE Technical Programming Associate Kelsey Kettelhut to discuss women in engineering.
AIChE Young Professionals Committee Chair Elizabeth Guenther interviews the 2014 Industrial Progress Award winner, Laura Leonard of UOP, a Honeywell Company.
Hear from the 2014 winning team, University of Utah! In addition, AIChE's Executive Director June Wispelwey and Past President Scott Folger talk about how chemical engineering students benefit from this hands-on competition. Chem-E-Car took place Sunday, November 16, 2014 in Atlanta.
In this video, Colorado State University gives a sneak peek of their car and feature some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, New Jersey Institute of Technology's team gives a sneak peek of its car and features some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, San Jose State University gives a sneak peek of its car and features some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, Clarkson University gives a sneak peek of its car and features some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, Lodz University of Technology gives a sneak peek of its car and features some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, Michigan Tech gives a sneak peek of their car and feature some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, KAIST gives a sneak peek of its car and features some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, University of Cincinnati gives a sneak peek of its car and features some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, The City College of New York gives a sneak peek of its car and features some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, Universiti Teknologi Petronas gives a sneak peek of its car and features some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, Missouri University of Science and Technology gives a sneak peek of their car and feature some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, South Dakota School of Mines gives a sneak peek of their car and feature some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, Georgia Tech gives a sneak peek of their car and feature some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, Texas A&M University, Qatar gives a sneak peek of its car and features some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, University of South Carolina gives a sneak peek of its car and features some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, Cornell University gives a sneak peek of their car and feature some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, Qatar University gives a sneak peek of their car and feature some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, University of Toledo gives a sneak peek of its car and features some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, University of Nebraska gives a sneak peek of their car and feature some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, Purdue University gives a sneak peek of their car and feature some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, Oklahoma State University gives a sneak peek of their car and feature some of the aspects that make it special.
In this video, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona gives a sneak peek of its car and features some of the aspects that make it special.
The 2014 Chem-E-Car Competition at the Annual Student Conference in Atlanta will take place on November 16.
The 2014 Chem-E-Car Competition at the Annual Student Conference in Atlanta will take place on November 16.
Need help with lead-lag systems? This tutorial introduces lead lag systems, with a particular focus on first-order systems.
What is a degree-of-freedom analysis, and how can you use it to analyze engineering problems? Brush up on basics in this short video tutorial.
For a former Eagle Scout and Cambridge scholar, what's the surest way to vault into America's top 1%? A MacArthur Grant is certainly one way.
One flow battery manufacturer tossed its iron-chromium battery chemistry to switch to much-more-expensive vanadium. Despite vanadium's cost, the company has created a better-performing and more competitive battery.
A new small device that relies on nanotechnology successfully generates electric current from simple vibrations. Its creators look to relieve the load on batteries or eliminate them completely.
One voice in the debate advocates a software solution, with predictive computer models tracking production and demand and then intelligently routing power where it’s needed.
New York's transit system is using CellCube because it provides hours of long-duration power, setting it apart from the lithium-ion batteries of Solar City.