Early mRNA Vaccines Against Avian Flu Show Promise in Animal Trials
Research at the CDC and elsewhere continues to advance, including human trials that to study safety and immunogenicity of an H5N1 mRNA vaccine.
Research at the CDC and elsewhere continues to advance, including human trials that to study safety and immunogenicity of an H5N1 mRNA vaccine.
Four co-located conferences provided detailed looks at fast-moving areas, including food engineering, translational medicine, cell therapy and immunotherapy, and data analysis.
This issue, a look at AI's potential for discovering new food proteins, tips on applying process safety principles to food processing, best practices for pressure transmitters, and much more.
Meet Andrew Berley of North Carolina State University and learn about his chemical engineering interests, activities, and academic achievements that led to receiving the John J. McKetta Undergraduate Scholarship.
Hear from a principal scientist at Schrödinger about how modeling is changing product development, and also hear his take on the trends and influences shaping the future of food processing.
Jeffrey Sanders discusses areas of food engineering with potential for strong growth and talks about Schrödinger's role in advancing industry progress.
What will it take to make diets around the world healthy, sustainable, and equitable? And how can chemical engineers contribute to solutions?
A common water plant's immune system offers a wide range of possibilities to help society, from wastewater treatment to antibiotics.
Food waste is a problem most nations have yet to solve, but Singapore has taken a number of important steps others can learn from to make food waste more sustainable.
This month, a look at chemical engineering in the food industry, along with tips for industrial insulation, dealing with vapor-phase idealities in chemical process simulations, and more.
Much like New Year’s, spring is a time many of us resolve to improve.
Elliot shares thoughts on the promise and challenges of sustainable cell-based meat, along with details about his upcoming talk.
Hear Smita's take on how microbial fermentation stands to change the world's future, and learn more about her upcoming talk in Los Angeles.
Join us for a detailed look into meat alternatives for a healthier environment.
Consumers have grown used to having information at their fingertips, which has bred greater awareness about healthy eating and demand for transparency.
This year's Earth Day coincides with the opening of AIChE's Spring Meeting and the 14th Global Congress on Global Safety. #AIChESpring #GCPS
A host of innovations across a wide range of areas show potential for a brighter future. Read more about them here.
A major investor has just put $100 million on solar-powered, sustainable agriculture.
With oil trading at $60 a barrel and predicted to soon hit another wall, everyone's yanking the emergency brakes on new oil exploration.