Dejuanah Katz

Dejuanah is currently an Engineering Associate at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and works primarily with the Society for Biological Engineering. She graduated from the University of Delaware in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry.
ChEnected contributions
James Collins on Using Synthetic Biology to Fight Pathogens
James Collins is one of the founders of the field of synthetic biology and will be speaking at the upcoming 2021 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED) Conference.
John Rogers on Epidermal Electronic Platforms
Hear about some of the most important trends in cosmetics and consumer products engineering, and get a preview of what John will discuss in his upcoming talk.
Steve Henikoff on Epigenomic Profiling
Hear Steve Henikoff's thoughts on the most important trends and greatest challenges in epigenetics and bioengineering.
Shining a Light into the Unknown
Optogenetics is opening new doors, thanks to discoveries about how neurons function and their role in various conditions and behaviors.
Singapore’s Food for Thought
Food waste is a problem most nations have yet to solve, but Singapore has taken a number of important steps others can learn from to make food waste more sustainable.
Tim Gardner on Data Systems for Biotech and Bioprocessing [Interview]
Important discoveries are often overlooked or delayed due to fragmented scientific data. Tim discusses how the biotech industry can address this issue.
Jeremy Javers on Dry-Grind Corn Biorefining [Interview]
Jeremy discusses the role of dry-grind corn biorefining in the bioeconomy, the opportunities it presents, and how it will affect our future.
Elliot Swartz on the Cell-Based Meat Industry [Interview]
Elliot shares thoughts on the promise and challenges of sustainable cell-based meat, along with details about his upcoming talk.
Smita Shankar on Commercializing Industrial Biotech [Interview]
Hear Smita's take on how microbial fermentation stands to change the world's future, and learn more about her upcoming talk in Los Angeles.