Chem-E-Car in the Spotlight – 2024 Competitors, Part 3
Feast your eyes on the third group of Chem-E-Car videos from finalist teams competing this weekend in San Diego.
Feast your eyes on the third group of Chem-E-Car videos from finalist teams competing this weekend in San Diego.
Follow along with the Annual Meeting and Annual Student Conference on social media, whether you're joining us in San Diego or keeping up from wherever you are.
Explore these opportunities to share chemical engineering with K-12 students at the upcoming Annual Meeting and Annual Student Conference in San Diego.
Check out the second group of videos from Chem-E-Car competitors vying for the top prize next week in San Diego.
Check out the first group of Chem-E-Car videos from teams competing in San Diego in just over a week!
Hear from Yuta Lee, Founder & CEO of Accelerated Biosciences, about the inspiration behind his research, what he'll present at the conference, and about new findings in cell therapies and immunotherapy.
This issue, a spotlight on professional development, including getting recruiters' attention, building a career in science policy, discovering your career path, and more.
Meet Ruha Tacey and learn how she's helping all kinds of engineers to find their way through school, into jobs, and through career quandaries.
This year’s Annual Meeting and Annual Student Conference will feature events that showcase AIChE’s efforts towards equity, diversity, and inclusion, and the IDEAL Path.
Meet these FOSSI scholars whose scholarships are allowing them to pursue STEM degrees at North Carolina A&T State University, Tuskegee University, and Prairie View A&M University.
Learn the personal story behind what inspired B. Wayne Bequette to do research in the field of cell therapies, and find out what's in store at the 5th Cell Therapies and Immunotherapy Conference.
Siari is hoping to help get more chemical engineers on an entrepreneurial path so they can turn ideas into products and services.
Yin is being recognized for his service to society exhibited through leadership, championing AIChE diversity groups, and leading student STEM outreach in his local community.
Learn about why it's beneficial for AIChE members to have professional liability insurance.
Take a look back at SEED 2024 programs, read about what attendee's had to say, and see what's in store for SEED 2025.
Get tips on how to prepare a winning poster for AIChE’s Meet the Industry and Faculty Candidate Sessions.
Hear from David Block, a professor at Univ. of California, Davis, in the Dept. of Viticulture and Enology and the director of the Integrative Center for Alternative Meat and Protein.
Dr. Rawlings is being honored for groundbreaking research in the theory and application of model predictive control, and for leadership in education.