Center for Chemical Process Safety to Mark 40 Years During Global Congress
This April, chemical engineers and process safety professionals will join with stakeholders across the chemical process industries (CPI) to discuss progress and opportunities in their areas of specialization, when AIChE and its Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) present the 2025 AIChE Spring Meeting and 21st Global Congress on Process Safety (GCPS). AIChE’s main event for practicing chemical engineers and allied professionals, the Spring Meeting and GCPS take place April 6–10 at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, TX, and will showcase chemical engineering breakthroughs and safety developments in 200 technical sessions.
Delivering the field’s latest intelligence — from the fundamental to the innovative — this year’s Spring Meeting program will build upon topics explored at previous Spring Meetings, as participants survey the significant changes across the professional and technical landscape, and consider the contributions that chemical engineers can make to help pave a more sustainable path for industry and society.
The profession’s emerging opportunities will be underscored at a topical conference devoted to the energy transition and the global shift toward sustainable energy systems — spotlighting the technologies and strategies driving the change to greener energy sources. On a related topic, AIChE’s Center for Hydrogen Safety is programming a Hydrogen Safety Topical Conference, detailing the considerations involved in the safe production, storage, and use of hydrogen as a resource and energy carrier.
More on Spring Meeting programming
The Spring Meeting program also continues its recent focus on topics under the Industry 4.0 umbrella, highlighting applications of automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data analytics, among others. Modern manufacturing approaches are also the focus of a conference on process intensification, presenting techniques to optimize chemical processes, reduce energy consumption, and improve sustainability.
Other program highlights include the 25th Topical Conference on Gas Utilization and the 28th Topical Conference on Refinery Processing. Additionally, The 37th Ethylene Producers’ Conference is anticipated to be the largest to date, covering technical innovations and challenges in efficiency, safety, and sustainability in ethylene production. See more topical conferences.
The Spring Meeting program also features the latest edition of the Kister Distillation Symposium, delivering expert insights on distillation processes through technical sessions and real-world case studies.
A program track on professional development and leadership skills will explore career enhancement topics applicable to any workplace.
Kicking off the conference
Kicking off the conference on Monday, Apr. 7, is the AIChE Government and Industry Leaders (AGILE) Award Lecture — presented this year by Rebecca Liebert, President and CEO of The Lubrizol Corporation. Also on Apr. 7, AIChE’s Fuels and Petrochemicals Div. will launch its programming with a plenary co-organized with the Industry 4.0 Topical Conference.
Conference bundle registrants can look forward to daily keynote luncheons, where guest speakers will expand upon some of the conference’s major themes. The luncheon speakers — along with the slate of featured events — will be announced online and in the March issue of CEP.
Panel discussions, poster sessions, exhibits, and receptions complete the program experience. The latest information about the program, featured events, and conference registration is available at www.aiche.org/spring.
The 21st Global Congress on Process Safety
Organized by CCPS and AIChE’s Process Safety Div., the Global Congress on Process Safety is the foremost annual gathering of safety engineers, plant managers, and process designers — providing a forum where process industry stakeholders discuss developments in the field, assess new technologies, and share strategies to avoid incidents, manage risk, ensure plant safety, and improve process safety management (PSM) programs.
Highlighting the 2025 Global Congress is a commemoration of CCPS’s 40th year. AIChE established the Center for Chemical Process Safety in the aftermath of the 1985 industrial gas tragedy in Bhopal, India, as a means of cultivating and documenting process safety knowledge, technologies, and strategies, and sharing them with the world. CCPS’s 40th anniversary programming at the Global Congress will reflect that body of knowledge.
To mark the CCPS milestone, the 2025 GCPS will feature a plenary keynote address and a panel discussion delivering perspectives from industry leaders. Reflections on the anniversary will also be offered during the 40th Center for Chemical Process Safety International Congress — with its program dedicated to the systematic identification and management of process safety challenges and the promotion of best practices.
More on GCPS programming
Programming at the GCPS continues with the 59th Annual Loss Prevention Symposium, which presents lessons learned from incident investigations as well as knowledge related to process safety technology, explosion prevention, fire protection, safety systems, and other topics. The 27th Process Plant Safety Symposium provides strategies, techniques, and tools that can contribute to stronger safety cultures within plants and among personnel. At the 14th Process Safety Management Mentoring Forum, experienced safety professionals will share their knowledge with those who may be new to process safety and its fundamentals.
Along another program track, practitioners will illustrate process safety challenges and approaches beyond the U.S. by offering “Perspectives on Process Safety from Around the World.”
Attendees at the GCPS and Spring Meeting can also look forward to the returning session “Case Histories and Lessons Learned,” which spotlights real-world incident investigations and the insights they have provided to chemical engineers and CPI stakeholders. In yet another opportunity, AIChE short courses covering process safety topics will be conducted at the meeting site on April 6.
For the latest program information or to register, visit www.aiche.org/spring or www.aiche.org/gcps.