This award recognizes outstanding research in computational molecular science and engineering, encompassing both methods and applications, among postdoctoral scholars. Work over the course of the candidate’s entire academic career can be considered, but particular weight will be accorded to activities and achievements during the period of the candidate’s postdoctoral training.
Nominees must be current members of the Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum (CoMSEF). Nominees must hold a postdoctoral or comparable temporary mentored research position in academia, industry, or a government lab at the time of nomination. The CoMSEF Chair and Vice‐Chair are ineligible for nomination while they hold these offices. Other CoMSEF officers are eligible for nomination. The award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting. The awardee is required to give an invited talk within the CoMSEF Plenary session.
Details | |
Award | The award consists of a plaque and honorarium. |
Administrators | Computational Molecular Science & Engineering Forum (CoMSEF) |
Presentation | The award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting where the awardee will deliver an invited talk within the CoMSEF Plenary session. The award is sponsored by Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, an interdisciplinary journal reporting cutting-edge molecular engineering research that is jointly owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). |
Nomination Instructions | Nomination ProcessA nomination package consisting of the AIChE Division or Forum Award Nomination Form, the nominee’s CV, a nomination letter, proof of CoMSEF membership, and two supporting letters should be sent as a single file in pdf format to the CoMSEF Vice Chair (vice-chair@comsef.org) by May 1 each year. The nomination should provide a clear statement as to the impact of the nominees work on the field and an award citation of 25 words or less, beginning with the word ‘For’. Self-nominations are discouraged. Renomination of candidates is encouraged. It is recommended, but not required, that the contents of the nomination package be updated each year; while supporting letters may be re-used, the nomination form must have current dates. Selection ProcessThe award recipient will be chosen based on the overall strength of the research accomplishments of the candidate. Work over the course of the candidate’s entire career can be considered, but particular weight will be accorded to activities and achievements during the period of the candidate’s postdoctoral training. The selection committee will comprise the current CoMSEF Chair, the CoMSEF Vice-Chair and two representatives drawn from related organizations (e.g., Area 1a Programming Committee, CACHE Trustees). A decision regarding the award recipient is expected to be made by July 1. ContactPlease contact the Vice Chair (vice-chair@comsef.org) for further information and questions. |