AIChE K-12 Committee

The AIChE K–12 Committee supports and promotes the good works of AIChE members and grassroots groups engaging in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) educational outreach.
ChEnected contributions
University of Florida: Humanitarian Filter
Learn about the University of Florida’s winning dedication to outreach and meet members of the team behind their winning module.
Peru’s University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC): Digestive System as a Chemical Plant
One of the most fun parts of being in the K-12 committee is getting to see the wonderful designs for modules and at-home experiments that AIChE student chapters present at our STEM Outreach Competition. In this section, we highlight winning entries from last year's event.
Iowa State University: Putting a Stop to Viruses
Learn about what keeps the Iowa State Student Chapter busy, and hear their thoughts on making outreach initiatives more successful.
Racing Boats with Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral: The Science of Surfactants
Learn about the ESPOL Student Chapter and their experiences with outreach during COVID, and hear their advice to other chemical engineering students.
K–12 At Home: Activated Carbon
Interested in STEM projects for high school students? Check out this teaching module that illustrates how carbon adsorption is used to purify water.
Sindia Rivera-Jimenez: Paying It Forward, as a Matter of Practice
Learn how this professor found her own career path and how she is helping students discover the world of STEM through K–12 outreach.
Spotlight: Meet Jessie Linder, K-12 Champion
Learn about the unconventional and inspiring start this K-12 stem advocate got in her home state of New Mexico.
Looking Back on the Fall 2019 STEM Showcase
With the arrival of the second K-12 STEM Showcase, a look back at last year's success, and a preview of what's to come this year in a virtual version.