ChEnected Guest

ChEnected Guest

AIChE would like to thank its multiple guest authors for the ChEnected blog. Browse posts below that cover a variety of topics.

ChEnected contributions

2012 AIChE Spring Meeting & 8th Global Congress on Process Safety

. by ChEnected Guest

The AIChE Spring Meeting is the year’s key technical conference for practicing chemical engineers. A wide range of subjects relevant to the current needs of industry is covered. Plus, the Global Congress on Process Safety covers the critical needs of process safety practitioners.

Early Bird Registration Ends February 13!

Drew Berry: Animations of unseeable biology

. by ChEnected Guest

Drew Berry, a 2010 MacArthur fellow, is a biomedical animator who creates scientifically accurate and stunning animations to illustrate how molecules in our cells move and interact. At the TEDxSydney conference, in May of 2011, Drew Berry showcased his animations that help researchers see unseeable processes within our own cells.

The Latest YPAB News

. by ChEnected Guest

After a great year, YPAB is jumping right into 2012. We recently elected a new Vice Chair, Christine Curran of the South Texas Local Section, and are currently preparing for the Spring Conference which will be held in Houston in April.

ChEnected's 2012 Quick Guide to Upcoming Events

. by ChEnected Guest

With the new year here and so many events happening in chemical engineering, biological engineering, management, safety, and sustainability, we decided to put together a quick guide to events from now through September of 2012. Get your online calendars ready to record the early-bird deadlines and calls for papers.

Meet a Young Professional Local Section: Chicago

. by ChEnected Guest

This past year was a busy year for the Young Professional Advisory Board Chicago local section. Our YP group has grown tremendously over the past few years with several new active members. The Chicago section has recently restructured in order to give more YPs more chances for leadership roles. Each month we hold an event specifically focused on young professional topics rotating our focus each month between technical topics, professional development topics, outreach events and purely social events. In the past few months we hosted events all throughout the greater Chicagoland area.

What is SIOC?

. by ChEnected Guest

AIChE is organized into three “operating councils” that manage many of the activities of AIChE. The Societal Impact Operating Council (SIOC) is the one of these that has primary responsibility for the way that the Institute relates to the world beyond AIChE.

AIChE Virtual Local Session

. by ChEnected Guest

You're invited to participate in this month's online meeting of the AIChE Virtual Local Section ( The meeting is Thursday Nov 17th, starting at 8 PM eastern US time, and you can participate via Internet connection (preferred) or phone.

Wahoo Wizards: A University of Virginia Classroom Outreach Story

. by ChEnected Guest

Wahoo Wizards is a community outreach program that was started eleven years ago and is supported by the AIChE student chapter at the University of Virginia. Named after the unofficial mascot of the university, this program aims to immerse K-6 students in the Charlottesville, VA, community in science and engineering.
