ChEnected Guest

AIChE would like to thank its multiple guest authors for the ChEnected blog. Browse posts below that cover a variety of topics.
ChEnected contributions
Mastering 3D Plots in Excel
Whether you're looking for a tutorial to help you on a project at work, or are a student looking to use the summer months to improve valuable Excel skills, check out this video on 3D plots.
Kinetics: Intro to Chemical Reactor Design
Need a refresher in chemical reactor design, or didn't grasp the basics first time around?
Chat with AIChE Presidential Candidates at Virtual Local Section Meeting
Be the first to post a question for candidates on ChEnected and win a VLS coffee mug!
AIChE Educational Outreach Impacts Students in Brazil
Read how AIChE Student Chapter members in Brazil are taking an active role in keeping teens in school with life lessons and important facts about their future.
Understanding Dislocation and Plastic Deformation
Not clear on the concepts of dislocation and plastic deformation? There's a video tutorial to answer your questions in the Learn ChemE series.
Lehigh University AIChE Student Chapter Reaches Out to Middle School Students
In an effort to cultivate an early interest in science, math, and engineering in middle school students, Lehigh University’s AIChE student chapter recently held a successful interactive science and chemical engineering outreach event at Broughal Middle School in Bethlehem, PA.
When the Dream Job Doesn't Appear
Didn't find your dream job right out of college? Or looking for a job while still in school? Hear how one chemical engineer is tackling the job search and learn from his experience on the job hunt.
YP Perspective: Southwest Regional Student Conference
One of the best 2013 AIChE Student Regional Conferences this year was in Lubbock, TX, hosted by the Texas Tech University, for the Southwest Region. From the Murder Mystery, to the intense ChemE Car competition; nothing could be better than interacting and volunteering with future Young Professional AIChE members.
Young Professional Spring Meeting Programming Preview
Are you attending Spring Meeting and still wonder what would be applicable to you as a young engineer? Well, look no further!
Meet Jon Haughton — Featured YP for April
Meet Jon Haughton, this month's Featured YP, who is a graduate of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a wide range of interests and some smart advice for other young chemical engineers and students.
Women in Chemical Technology: Maria Burka of the National Science Foundation
When Maria K. Burka began looking for jobs in chemistry, she was told not to use her first name on applications because “if the interviewer saw you were a woman, they wouldn’t even bother interviewing you.” Hear more in her audio interview.
Meet Alia Khan — Featured Student for April
Meet Alia Khan, a senior at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, who is headed to work at ExxonMobil in Houston after graduation.
Materials Tutorial: Miller Indicies and Crystal Structures
Studying crystal structures and confused by Miller indices? Check out this video from the LearnChemE video series.
Today's Students, Tomorrow's Clean Tech Leaders
Have chemical engineering programs become divorced from the world and people they serve? One program has a new approach to focusing chemical engineering students on the world's challenges.
Introducing High School Students to Chemical Engineering
As part of the AIChE Apprentice program, one young chemcial engineerg spoke to high school students on the topic of "What can chemical engineers do?" Read more about it here.