John Vasko

John Vasko is responsible for AIChE's online community and content. John works with constituents to create compelling content that serves members and visitors to,, and numerous other sites. He specializes in creating content strategies, digital product development, and social media campaigns. He has more than 20 years' experience working and consulting with companies to develop and improve their digital media brands.
ChEnected contributions
Get Free Online Training—Process Safety Management for the Biofuels Industry from CCPS
"Process Safety Management for the Biofuels Industry" is a training program that was developed by the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), a Technology Alliance of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers under a “Susan Harwood Grant” from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA).
Meet Robert Szczesniak — Featured YP for December
The other advantages were that he developed a new level of appreciation for the situations detailed in Dilbert and he didn’t mind taking time off to visit Beth (his future wife) as she was studying abroad.
The Chemistry of Thanksgiving
There's a lot of chemistry behind any dinner but last year the American Chemistry Society (ACS) put together this excellent video that features Diane Bunce, Ph.D., presenting The Chemistry of Thank
Kristine Chin interviews Ann Lee and Jean Bender of Genentech
The recipient of this year's Corporate Innovation Award is Genentech. Ahead of their award lecture, Dr. Ann Lee, senior vice president and head of global technical development for Roche and Jean Bender, Ph.D. and principal engineer at Genentech, had a few minutes to sit down with manager of technical programing for AIChE, Kristine Chin, to chat a bit about Genentech. You can watch this interview in the video panel on the right.
Julio M. Ottino, Dean, R.R. McCormick Institute Professor, interviewed at 62nd Institute Lecture
Greg Stephanopoulos introduces Harvey W. Blanch, recipient of the 2010 James E. Bailey Award
David A. Klanecky of Dow and Spike Narayan of IBM on Energy and Water Sustainability [On Location]
2010 AIChE Award Ceremony—Live Blogging from Salt Lake City
Time: 5:40 p.m MST.