Professor Roland Clift on Industrial Ecology and Sustainability

Roland Clift is a distinguished Professor of Environmental Technology at University of Surrey - Guildford, the Founding Director of the Centre for Environmental Strategy (D3), and President of International Society for Industrial Ecology. He's presenting the Danckwerts Lecture in the Salt Palace Grand Ballroom.

The title of his presentation is:

Chemical Engineering Outside the Pipe: Industrial Ecology and Sustainability

Just ahead of his presentation at the 2010 Annual Meeting, Professor Roland Clift, President of International Society for Industrial Ecology, was able to sit down for a few minutes with Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP) Editor, Gordon Ellis to answer a few questions. You can watch the video to the right.

Also, stay tuned to ChEnected for the full broadcast of Professor Roland Clift's presentation.

See a full list of special events covered at the 2010 Annual Meeting.

Check out all videos taken at the 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting, including: