Duplication Digest Of Cloning
Gene moderations have been a part of the scientific community from 1973, changing the course of human evolution altogether. Evolving not only from scratch but also evolving their environment in the process as well.
Being the closest to chimpanzee, the homo sapiens have always showed moderation in their genetical sequencing to adapt and grow. But this natural process of evolution is now taking a turn to be a full-fledged scientific phenomenon. Starting as a process to modify and create drugs to cure diseases, Genetic engineering has now seen it’s fair share of evolution too, with the latest piece of information showing humans can now modify genes to recreate insulin in human body as well.
How far can these advancements go?
Clone defined as an organism or cell, or group of organisms or cells, produced asexually from one ancestor or stock, to which they are genetically identical. As the definition states, clones not only look similar but at the same time have the exact replica of the genome sequencing of their parent.
Are they even possible? With 2 complex eyes, 32 varied tooth, 306 bones, 25000 of genes and millions of nerves to enhance, it sounds impossible. With the evolution in technology and advancements in science, humans are now capable of achieving what no other species can. From medicines to the part of body, humans now modify everything as the need arises.
Even though the proofs are there, the same question arises again, is modifying, enhancing and replicating every single one of these possible? With the current pace of development of humanity, it won’t be wrong to say that nothing is impossible.
And the display of that is what the humans have proved that as well, CRISPR-Cas9 is a key gene editing tool introduced in 2012 by the American scientist Jennifer Doudna, along with French scientist Emmanuelle Charpentie. This tool not only revolutionised but also pushed humanity to a new level of development. CRISPR can modify DNA present in the human eyes, and cure complex to complex diseases, it won’t be long before this technology can modify DNA to a certain extent that an eye can be created individually.
However currently humans are not capable of cloning a mammal completely. Ian Wilmut, the British scientist who directed the cloning project, found out that in mammals, in general, the animals produced by cloning suffer from serious health handicaps, among others, gross obesity, early death, distorted limbs, and dysfunctional immune systems and organs, including liver and kidneys, and other mishaps.
As it is said everything has two sides, cloning on one hand has positives in fields of science but on the other hand hold the negatives of any biological mishaps. Be it practically, religiously or ethically in current World cloning is not a very feasible option.
Even though it is not possible now, but the way things are progressing, it is not only fascinating but also scary to see what limits the human mind can think of and go to what extent to attain the goal of creating clones without any fatalities.