Sister Chapter Program: Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
Welcome to the Sister Chapter Program! Here are a few tips to get you started.
1. Identify who the points of contact will be for each chapter.
- Exchange contact info.
- Remain open to alternative methods of contact: Skype, WhatsApp, Google Hangouts, etc. The platforms that you are most familiar with may not be common in your sister chapter’s country.
2. Initiative the conversation immediately.
- Communication is important. If you don’t understand, ask! We all come from different backgrounds, so don’t judge – this is your opportunity to learn from each other.
- Maintain consistent and regular communication. Try to establish a regular time to talk (ie. first Monday of every month).
3. Decide on mutual goals.
- Discuss what each chapter wants to get out of the sisterhood
- Each chapter might want to do something different. Remain open to new ideas and try to have a balance of events that your chapter wants to hold and events that your sister chapter wants to hold.
4. Become familiar with your sister chapter.
- Share academic calendars. Identify when your sister chapter might be busy with Holidays or breaks between classes.
- Share your chapter’s constitution or bylaws. Understand how their chapter operates including their leadership positions and duties.
- Leverage internet technologies: social media, chapter websites, e-newsletters, blogs, etc.
5. Involve as many people as you can.
- Engage your chapter’s members to participate.
- Use help of faculty and alumni.
6. Discuss best practices.
- Talk about what issues each chapter faces. Try to help the other chapter based on your chapter’s own experiences.
- Communicate your chapter’s strengths and what works best for the chapter.
7. Cohost events.
- Social or cultural: recipe exchanges, pen pal program, gift exchange
- Professional development: corporate presentations, faculty webinars, mock Skype interviews
8. Explore opportunities to meet your sister chapter in person.
- Look into exchange student programs.
- Meet each other at the Annual Student Conference.
9. Prepare for leadership transitions.
10. Have fun!