How We Teach Surveys | AIChE

How We Teach Surveys

2023 Process Safety

Ford, L. P., & Aurand, G. A., & Barr, C., & Bowman, F., & Ramsurn, H., & Brennan, J., & Carter, T. L., & Dahm, K. D., & Landherr, L., & Silverstein, D. L., & Thiel, S. W., & Vaughen, B. K., & Vogel, T. J., "Analysis of the Use of SAChE Modules in Undergraduate Programs and Summary of Process Safety", Paper presented at 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon, June 2024.

2023 Electives

Ford, L. P., & Brennan, J., & Chenette, H., & Cole, J. L., & Dahm, K. D., & Silverstein, D. L., & Thiel, S. W., "How We Teach: Chemical Engineering Electives", Paper presented at 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon, June 2024.

2022 Capstone Design

Jamieson, M.V. & Ford, L. P., "How we teach design: A comparison of Canadian and American courses", Paper presented at CEEA-ACÉG CONFERENCE 2024, University of Alberta, June 2024.

Ford, L. P., & Cole, J., & Dahm, K. D., & Vaughen, B. K., & Jamieson, M. V., & Landherr, L., & Silverstein,, D. L., & Vogel, T. J., & West, C. W., & Thiel, S. W., "How We Teach: Capstone Design", Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore , Maryland, June 2023.

2021 Material & Energy Balances

Ford, L., & Brennan, J., & Dahm, K., & Silverstein, D., & Landherr, L., & West, C., & Cole, J., & Thiel, S., & Vaughen, B., & Jamieson, M., "How We Teach: Material and Energy Balances", Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN, August 2022.

2020 Kinetics & Reactor Design

Ford, L. P., & Brennan, J., & Silverstein, D. L., & Landherr, L. J., & West, C. W., & Thiel, S. W., & Dahm, K. D., & Cole, J., & Jamieson, M. V., "How We Teach: Kinetics and Reactor Design", Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference, July 2021.

2019 First Year

Ford, L. P., & Brennan, J., & Cole, J., & Dahm, K. D., & Jamieson, M. V., & Landherr, L. J., & Silverstein, D. L., & Vaughen, B. K., & Vigeant, M. A., & Thiel, S. W., "How We Teach: Chemical Engineering in the First Year", Paper presented at 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Online, June 2020.

2018 Thermodynamics

Vigeant, M. A., & Cole, J., & Dahm, K. D., & Ford, L. P., & Landherr, L. J., & Silverstein, D. L., & West, C. W., "How We Teach: Thermodynamics", Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, Florida, June 2019.

2017 Unit Operations Laboratory

Vigeant, Margot A., David L. Silverstein, Kevin D. Dahm, Laura P. Ford, Jennifer Cole, and Lucas James Landherr, "How We Teach: Unit Operations Laboratory", Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposuition, 2018.

2016 ChE Curriculum

Vigeant, Margot A., Kevin D. Dahm, and David L. Silverstein, "The state of the chemical engineering curricupum: Report from the 2016 survey", Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposuition, 2017.

2015 Process Control

Silverstein, David L., Vigeant, Margot A., and Mary Staehle, "How We Teach Process Control: 2015 Survey Results", Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposuition, 2016.

2014 Transport Phenomena

Lepek, Daniel, Vigeant, Margot A., David L. Silverstein, and Jason M. Keith, "How We Teach: Transport Phenomena and Related Courses", Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposuition, 2015.

2013 ChE Electives

Vigeant, Margot A. and David L. Silverstein, "Results from the AIChE Education Annual Survey: Chemical Engineering Electives", Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposuition, 2014.

2012 Process Design

Silverstein, David L. (University of Kentucky); Lisa G. Bullard (North Carolina State University); Warren D. Seider (University of Pennsylvania); and Margot A. Vigeant (Bucknell University), "How We Teach: Captsone Design", Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2013.

2011 Material & Energy Balances

Silverstein, David L. (University of Kentucky); Lisa G. Bullard (North Carolina State University); and Margot A. Vigeant (Bucknell University) "How We Teach: Material and Energy Balances", Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2013.

2010 Kinetics and Reactor Design

Silverstein, David L., University of Kentucky; Margot A Vigeant, Bucknell University, "How We Teach: Kinetics and Reactor Design", Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2011.

2009 Freshman Introduction to Chemical Engineering

Silverstein, David; Margot Vigeant; Donald Visco; Donald Woods; "How We Teach: Freshman Introduction to Chemical Engineering", Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, American Society for Enginering Education, June 2010.

Where Did It All Begin?

Take a look at the AIChE Education Special Project Committee Survey Reports from the last century.