Committee Policies and Procedures
Committee policies govern the actions of the Committee as well as members, authors, and technical content delivered at conferences, consistent with the framework described in the Bylaws.
EPC Bylaws
The EPC Bylaws document includes detailed information on the organization, its governance, election procedures, meetings, etc. Includes amendments approved at the June 16, 2022 Meeting of the Committee.
Expectations of Authors when Submitting Papers
Presentations at the EPC Conference must comply with basic requirements including copyright, permission to publish, and delivery of a paper that can be used as a future reference by the ethylene community. The following expectations must be provided to authors early in order to avoid misunderstandings.
Permission to Publish
All authors presenting at the Spring conference must: 1) Prepare a presentation to be delivered at the podium, 2) Prepare a written paper for future reference, and 3) Grant permission for EPC and AIChE to publish/distribute their paper. This requirement for having a publishable paper is critical to the mission of the EPC, since download of papers from the EPC website is a major vehicle for filling the mission of the EPC.
EPC Speakers' Dinner
The EPC hosts an annual dinner to thank authors and conference session leaders for their contribution to the EPC and ethylene industry. The Speakers' Dinner policy describes the policies governing this event.
EPC Survey Policy
This document describes requirements for conducting a survey on behalf of EPC, including guidelines, approval process, data collection, and copyright.
Member Responsibilities
The following responsibililities are reviewed with candidates through discussion with the Nominations Committee prior to nomination for Committee membership.
EPC Financial Controls Policy
The following financial controls policy was adopted by the Committee on January 26, 2023 (updated from policy adopted August 11, 2011). It governs expenditures and audit practices.
Guidelines for Functioning of Programming Subcommittees
The revised Guidelines for Functioning of Subcommittees were approved by the Committee at the August 2015 meeting. Minor updates to format and wording were made in February 2023. Members are asked to communicate these guidelines to all Subcommittees for implementation.