2020 AIChE NorCal Annual Symposium - Cleantech & Energy | AIChE

2020 AIChE NorCal Annual Symposium - Cleantech & Energy

Our 57th Annual Symposium will take place virtually as a monthly speaker series!

Our theme this year is: Cleantech and Energy

Speaker Series:

1. Understanding the Energy Landscape

  • Speaker: Professor Jim Williams, USF

  • Date: June 18, 2020 @ 12 PM PST

  • Where: Zoom Meeting (sign up here)

2. Engineering in Cleantech - Carbon Reduction Innovations

  • Speakers: Cody Finke, Brimstone Energy & Miguel Sierra Aznar, Noble Thermodynamics

  • Date: July 21, 2020 @ 12 PM PST

  • Where: Zoom Meeting (sign up here)

3. Circular Economy

  • Speakers: Jason Bronkema, Director of Engineering at BioCellection, and Rahul Chopra on SGH2 Energy

  • Date: August 20, 2020 @ 12 PM PST

  • Where: Zoom Meeting (sign up here)