Novel Approaches to CO2 Utilization | AIChE

Novel Approaches to CO2 Utilization


Brickett, L., U.S. DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory


Srivastava, R. D., KeyLogic Systems, Inc. - NETL.

The overall objective of this session is to explore the wide range of uses for the CO2 resource and the technologies that can beneficially use CO2 to produce valuable products, including the use of CO2 in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and storage in depleted oil and gas reservoirs to reduce atmospheric emissions. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Conversion of CO2 to value-added chemicals, fuels, polymers, etc.; Storage of CO2 in depleted oil and gas reservoirs; Reactions using CO2 as an oxidant; and CO2 mineralization.



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