(490e) Dual Set-Point Cascade Control for Water Management in Methanol Fuel Cells | AIChE

(490e) Dual Set-Point Cascade Control for Water Management in Methanol Fuel Cells


Alyousef, Z. - Presenter, University of Florida
Crisalle, O., University of Florida
Mudiraj, S., University of Florida
Dual Set-Point Cascade Control for Water Management
in Methanol Fuel Cells

Zuhair A. Alyousef, Shyam P. Mudiraj, and Oscar D. Crisalle

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida

Gainesville, FL32611, United States

Extended abstract submitted for presentation in the 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting

Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) are highly promising candidates for powering portable
devices because they have high energy density, low operational temperatures, and can be realized
in a compact design [4]. Figure1 shows a schematic diagram of the DMFC system considered in
this work. The device includes a mixing tank containing a diluted methanol solution, and an
associated cascade feedback loop shown with standard instrumentation indicated by the symbols
LT and LC to denote level transmitter and level controller, and a fan that operates as the final
control element. The area between the anode flow channel (AFC) and the cathode flow
channel (CFC) represents a stack of fuel cells, including the polymer exchange membrane


Figure 1: DMFC system.

An electrochemical reaction takes place at the anode region inside the fuel-cell stack, where the
methanol and water are consumed via the electro-oxidation reaction


while on the cathode side oxygen is consumed by the electro-reduction reaction


The protons produced in (1) migrate from the anode to the cathode, passing through the PEM. In
addition, some methanol transports through the membrane from the anode to the cathode, where
it undergoes the undesirable crossover reaction


The water balance in the membrane is affected by liquid water that moves through membrane
pores from the anode to the cathode via an electro-osmotic drag flux JEO, while at the same time
some of the liquid water produced at the cathode returns to the anode in the form of a
hydraulic-pressure back-convection flux JBX through small laser-drilled holes across the membrane.
Water vapor losses are incurred through venting into the CFC (JH2O,v) and at the gas/liquid

The control instrumentation shown in Figure 1 implements a water management strategy
involving two proportional-integral (PI) controllers configured in a cascade mode. The master
controller is denoted as LC and the slave as TC. An original control goal was to deploy the cascade
scheme for the purpose of maintaining the liquid-level in the mixing tank at a fixed set point LSP .
The control objective of the original design is to regulate the liquid-level in the tank by adjusting
the fuel cell stack temperature using the fan [2]. This scheme succeeds in maintaining the liquid
level at the set point, though this is accomplished by continuously manipulating the temperature of
the stack.

The master control law is described by


where T is the bias temperature (the desired temperature of operation), e(t) = LSP (t) -L(t) is the
error of the liquid-level L(t), while KP and KI are the proportional and integral gains,
respectively. This original control scheme is in principle able to keep the mixing tank level at set
point. However, this is done at the cost of constantly adjusting the set point TSP for the fuel cell
stack. Hence, the operating temperature is a function of the liquid level, a scenario that is not
conducive to optimal power generation.

In this work, we introduce a new cascade control policy, with the goal of decoupling, at least
temporarily, the liquid-level control from the control of the temperature of the stack. This allows
the introduction of periods of operation where the stack temperature can be maintained at an
optimal constant value. The novelty introduced is the modification of the master-controller
equation (4) in the form


where the switching function


is a binary signal. The state f(t) = 0 implements a regime where the master PI controller is on the
off mode, and produces the constant output TSP = T. On the other hand, the state f(t) = 1
returns the control law (5) to its previous state (4).

Figure 2 illustrates the algorithm for switching f(t) between its two states. We refer to this
technique as a dual-threshold scheme. The figure shows an upper threshold r, a lower threshold r,
and a set point for liquid-level r(t) = LSP (t). Suppose that, as indicated in the figure, during an
initial period between t0 and t2, the liquid-level is in a rising mode. In such case f(t) = 0 and the
master-controller PI of equation (5) is in the off (manual) mode, as indicated by the label “OFF” in
the figure. During the period of time up to the instant t2 the output of (5) is the constant
temperature target TSP = T, which allows the operator to specify a desirable stack operating
temperature T that remains constant up to instant t2. When the liquid level reaches the upper
threshold, at instant t2, the switching function changes its state to f(t) = 1, and placing the
controller into the automatic (on) mode. The label “ON” at instant t3 illustrates the sate of
the controller. The controller remains in the on mode until it brings the liquid level
into a dead-band zone labeled 2b around the liquid level set point r. The dead-band is
intended to make the algorithm less sensitive to measurement noise, and the parameter b
is adjusted based on the standard-deviation of the noise. Once inside the dead-band,
the switching function changes to f(t) = 0, placing the controller back into manual
mode. This is illustrated in the figure by the label “OFF” shown at instant t4. Hence, the
dual-threshold algorithm allows the fuel cell stack to operate at desirable temperature, from the
beginning to the instant t2, and then again for another period that begins at instant t4. An
analogous logic applies to the case where the liquid level reaches the lower threshold


Figure 2: Schematic diagram of hypothetical example explaining the decoupled cascade
control algorithm.

In this study we compare and contrast the performance of the original cascade scheme involving
Equation (4) with the switching dual-threshold scheme described by Equation (5). The analysis is
done in a simulation environment using the MATLAB and Simulink software packages. The
dynamics of DMFC model used in the simulation has been validated experimentally by our
research group [13]. The simulation involves introducing a step disturbance in the relative
humidity RH, and recording the closed loop responses of the two controllers. The desired
temperature of operation is set at T = 60oC.

Simulation results for the original cascade control scheme show that the liquid-level of the tank
can be regulated successfully to the set point, but during the entire period of operation the target
fuel cell temperature of 60oC is never realized since it fluctuates between 51 and 57oC.
In contrast, the dual-threshold cascade control results show that the desired constant
temperature of operation is realized for an extended period, essentially for most simulation

Figure 3 shows the results of electrical generation under both control schemes. The original
cascade control algorithm (denoted by SC in the graph) generates electrical current and power
outputs with fluctuating behavior. In contrast, the dual-threshold controller values are constant for
long periods of time. The improved performance of the dual-threshold algorithm is a consequence
of the fact that the current and power outputs of the DMFC are strong functions of temperature.
During the simulation length the controller succeeds in keeping the fuel cell stack at the optimal
target temperature of 60oC. Furthermore, the total energy produced under dual-threshold control
is higher than the original controller by approximately 11%. Another advantage of the
dual-threshold control scheme is that by operating at the optimal temperature for long
(though intermittent) periods of time, the DMFCs capability of avoiding flooding and
dry-out conditions in the membrane improves. The liquid-level in the tank is adjusted
satisfactorily by the dual-threshold controller during the relatively short period that it in the
“ON” state. The original cascade scheme is effective in keeping the mixing tank liquid
level near the set point, a result that is obtained at the expense of reduced electrical


Figure 3: Simulation results showing the electrical current (I) and electrical power ( ) PStack
as a function of time for the original master controller (SC) and the dual-threshold controller


[1]   M.A.R. Biswas, S.P. Mudiraj, W.E. Lear, and O.D. Crisalle. Systematic approach for modeling methanol mass transport on the anode side of direct methanol fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014.

[2]   Shyam P. Mudiraj. Advanced Model-based Control Design for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Systems. phdthesis, University of Florida, April 2015.

[3]   S.P. Mudiraj, M.A.R. Biswas, W.E. Lear, and O.D. Crisalle. Comprehensive mass transport modeling technique for the cathode side of an open-cathode direct methanol fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40:8137–8159, 2015.

[4]   F. Zenith and U. Krewer. Modelling, dynamics and control of a portable dmfc system. Journal of Process Control, 20:630–642, 2010.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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