Oscar Crisalle
Crisalle, O.
University of Florida
Dr. Oscar D. Crisalle holds the position of Professor and Distinguished Teaching Scholar of Chemical Engineering at the University of Florida, in Gainesville Florida, USA where he conducts research in the area of systems and automation engineering. In 2008 he was inducted into the Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars of the University of Florida. Dr. Crisalle’s research focus is on the analysis and design of systems and automation control, with numerous applications, including chemical processing operations, design and optimal operation of fuel cells, manufacture of integrated microelectronic devices, growth of thin-films for photovoltaic devices, the control of autonomous vehicles, and the development of on-line measurement instrumentation. His theoretical work includes robust control, model predictive control, and complex observer design. He has published over 120 scientific papers and abstracts in journals and conferences. He has secured major research funds from the US National Science Foundation, the US Department of Energy, and the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory, as well as from private industrial sponsors. He was a co-editor of Special Issues of the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control (2007, 2001), and co-editor of a Special Issue of Computers & Chemical Engineering (2002) and served as Subject Editor for the international journal Latin American Applied Research for a period of 10 years. He currently serves as Associate Editor for the Springer journal Energy Systems–Optimization, Modeling, Simulation, and Economic Aspects. Dr. Crisalle has a long-standing record of international collaborations. Dr. Crisalle worked as an Engineer in the Technology Development Department of the Intel Corporation in Santa Clara, California. He has delivered short courses on engineering technology topics for major international corporations, including The Boeing Company and National Instruments.. He works as a consultant in the areas of process control, instrumentation, fuel cells and photovoltaics processing.