(337ay) Wastewater As a Resource: Using Photocatalysis to Treat WW and Produce Synthetic Fuel Precursors | AIChE

(337ay) Wastewater As a Resource: Using Photocatalysis to Treat WW and Produce Synthetic Fuel Precursors


Pal, R. - Presenter, University of Michigan
Research Interests:

  1. Design new catalysts for enhanced photo-absorption and electron transfer kinetics to facilitate faster redox reactions.
  2. Structural, chemical and opto-electronic characterization of optimize catalyst performance.
  3. Environmental application of visible-light photocatalysts in removing trace micropollutants such as heterocyclic aromatics from industrial wastewater.
  4. Photodegradation product identification by determining thermochemically favorable reaction pathways.
  5. Catalytic gasification of biosorbed polycyclic aromatic compounds for Fischer-Tropsch reactant production.

I have several publications in progress to support the above stated research interests. Additionally, I have research expertise in the following analytical/chemical/analysis techniques:

  1. Spectroscopy: Optical, UV-Vis, Synchrotron, X-ray and NMR/EPR.
  2. Material characterization: XPS, XRD, XRF, FTIR, BET, SEM/TEM, DSC and ICP-OES.
  3. Electrochemical characterization: Cyclic voltammetry, Mott-Schottky, Impedance Spectroscopy, Chronoamperometry, Photo-electrochemical Current and Polarisation Resistance measurements.
  4. Separations technique: GC-MS/TCD/FID, LC-MS/UV/RI, Nanofiltration and Accelerated Solvent Extraction(ASE).
  5. Data analytics: Parametric and non-parametric modelling, Time series analysis, Machine learning models and Quantum Mechanical modelling (DFT, MD)


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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