(428e) Midstream Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Physical Security and Safety | AIChE

(428e) Midstream Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Physical Security and Safety


Lou, H. - Presenter, Lamar University
Cai, T., Lamar University
The pipeline infrastructure, storage facilities and terminals are critical components of the energy infrastructure. The industry is increasingly relying on integrating information and communication technologies into operational technology for data analytics, automation, and remote operation. The advancements, although significantly improve operational efficiency and profitability, are prone to cyber-attacks.

It is clear both physical security, safety and cybersecurity are needed to ensure the resilience of the energy infrastructure. The relationships between safety, physical security, and cybersecurity are closely intertwined. Cyber-attacks can impact these facilities’ safety and physical security, while safety and physical security measures can protect the facility against cyber threats. This presentation will discuss viable approaches to enhance physical security, safety and cybersecurity from different aspects. These efforts will assist the industry to identify, protect against, and respond to cyber threats and remediate undesired consequences of these attacks in a timely matter.