Honorary Session for Prof. Steve Cramer II (Invited Talks) | AIChE

Honorary Session for Prof. Steve Cramer II (Invited Talks)


Wickramasinghe, R., University of Arkansas


Boi, C., Università Di Bologna

This session features invited talks honoring Steve Cramer, Institute Professor at RPI, Troy, NY. Current research in the Cramer lab employs biophysics, multiscale simulations and ligand and protein libraries to provide insights into the design of novel chromatographic systems. They are investigating integrated and continuous biomanufacturing, expedited process development, gene therapy bioprocessing, and hybrid and big data modeling approaches for bioprocessing. Importantly, his 55 Ph.D. are playing key leadership roles in the state of the art of industrial bioprocessing as well as academia. He has been elected a member of the NAE and is an elected fellow of AAAS, AIChE, ACS and AIMBE.




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