Process Design in Energy and Sustainability: Towards a net zero carbon economy | AIChE

Process Design in Energy and Sustainability: Towards a net zero carbon economy


Rawlings, E., Sandia National Laboratories


Bongartz, D., RWTH Aachen University
Lee, I., Pusan National University

This session includes process and systems design aspects in the broader domains of energy, economics, and the environment driven by the societal need to reduce net emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere. Energy topics include, but are not limited to, renewables, alternative fuels, biofuels, biorefineries, polygeneration, power systems, synthetic fuels, and carbon capture. Submissions may also discuss the integration of energy system design with other technological considerations such as optimization, control, energy storage, and sustainability, including CO2 capture and use. Papers that promote innovative solutions that use novel and unconventional sources of energy (e.g., renewable natural gas) and feedstocks (e.g., biomass and CO2) and better utilization of various forms of resources within chemical processing are encouraged. Contributions that employ existing or develop new tools, algorithms, and methods to support or enable process synthesis and design for reducing net carbon emissions are welcome.



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