Process Development Division | AIChE

Process Development Division


Besser, R., Stevens Institute of Technology
Johnston, A. A., Abbott Laboratories
Powell, J., Shell International Exploration & Production
Berg, S. S., Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc.
Schroer, J., Clearwaterbay Technology, Inc.
Whalley, A., Zeton Inc
Joback, K. G., Molecular Knowledge Systems, Inc.
Freund, H., Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Doll, M. J., Shell Global Solutions
Cooper, C. A., Retired
Rooks, R. E., Praxair
Besser, R., Stevens Institute of Technology
Johnston, A. A., Abbott Laboratories
Powell, J., Shell International Exploration & Production
Berg, S. S., Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc.
Schroer, J., Clearwaterbay Technology, Inc.
Whalley, A., Zeton Inc
Joback, K. G., Molecular Knowledge Systems, Inc.
Freund, H., Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Doll, M. J., Shell Global Solutions
Cooper, C. A., Retired
Rooks, R. E., Praxair




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