Innovations in Distillation Control and in Batch Distillation | AIChE

Innovations in Distillation Control and in Batch Distillation


Kister, H. Z., Fluor Corporation


Pritchett, M. D., Consultant

This high-tech control and unsteady-state batch distillation session of our 6-session Distillation 2009 Topical Conference addresses some of the latest and most promising advances in the fields. With column capacities stretched to their limits, a smart control that anticipates the onset of a flood can enable operation on the ragged edge and maximizes throughput, and this will be discussed. In dividing wall columns, proper balancing and control of flows on each side of the dividing wall has been elusive and a major obstacle to wider applications of this exciting technology. New ideas on how to achieve will be reported. Application of dividing walls in batch distillation is another exciting new innovation discussed. Improving yields is central to the practical optimization of batch distillation and will be discussed based on a successful real-life experience. Applying batch distillation to improve reactive distillation selectivity is another exciting development that will be discussed. Finally, the Mc Cabe-Thiele diagram, once the workhorse for designing and analyzing distillation units, is well and living, these days primarily as an optimization tool, as will be discussed.



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