(57d) Opportunities for Modular Gtl in North America | AIChE

(57d) Opportunities for Modular Gtl in North America


McDaniel, J. - Presenter, Velocys Inc.

Modular Gas to Liquids (GTL) plants can bring stranded, associated or undervalued gas to market and reduce the flaring of associated gas. Of particular interest is the opportunity for using small scale distributed GTL plants located near the feedstock resource to monetize shale gas fields in North America.  Velocys patented technology for the Fischer-Tropsch process, the central step of GTL, has been commercially demonstrated in the field. The unique combination of microchannel reactors and super-active catalysts provides superior economics, especially in the range 1,000-15,000 barrels per day, or 10-150 mmscfd of gas.  The modular process produces clean-burning, premium diesel or jet fuel: valuable products which are easy to transport and serve a global market.

The presentation will include the latest results from an integrated GTL pilot plant that includes a steam methane reformer and microchannel FT reactor. The pilot plant is designed to provide operational data to support a variety of process configurations and conditions that may be found in commercial GTL facilities.



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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