The Unconscious Bias Featured Sessions located in the Miami room of the Orlando World Center Marriot are a part of the Leadership Development Topical Conference.
Unconscious bias (or implicit bias) refers to unconscious beliefs or stereotypes that influence our actions and decisions when interacting with other people. Learn about identifying and addressing unconscious bias in these featured sessions.
Session Chairs:
- Sindia Rivera-Jimenez, University of Florida
- Bindu Krishnan, The Dow Chemical Company
Workshop: Understanding Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
The participants of this active-learning workshop will learn the concept of unconscious bias, examine resources on how to identify their own biases, raise awareness of how unconscious biases work, and how they can influence interactions in the workplace.
Panel Discussion: Real Stories of Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Unconscious bias (or implicit bias) refers to unconscious beliefs or stereotypes that influence our actions and decisions when interacting with other people. Come hear from professionals across the discipline share their perspectives on this important topic.
10:15 – 10:25: Cynthia Murphy-Ortega, Chevron
10:25 – 10:35: Kevin J Edwards, Bechtel Infrastructure
10:35 – 10:45: Bill Byers, CH2M HILL
10:45 – 10:55: LaRuth McAfee, University of Wisconsin, Madison
10:55 – 11:40: Panel Discussion, Moderated by Sindia Rivera Jimenez, University of Florida
11:40 – 11:45: Concluding Remarks