(169a) Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence in Hydrocarbons | AIChE

(169a) Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence in Hydrocarbons


Khare, C. - Presenter, The Dow Chemical Company
Khare, C. - Presenter, The Dow Chemical Company
Rolke, R., The Dow Chemical Company
Rolke, R., The Dow Chemical Company
Petrusich, J., Northwest Analytics
Petrusich, J., Northwest Analytics
Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence (EMI) is a methodology which helps our engineers make decisions regarding the critical parameters of that facility in real time. The knowledge of a particular facility is captured through EMI by (1) displaying representative tag data in real time and (2) connecting recommended corrective actions for times when these parameters trend out of range. This way action can be taken before a situation escalates into a crisis.

Our approach to deploying EMI is to start small, looking for small data opportunities within our plants and operations. Then, build momentum using success stories. This talk will discuss method of implementing EMI in Dow.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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