(54cj) Improved Along-Wind Dispersion Coefficient Model from Field and Wind Tunnel Data | AIChE

(54cj) Improved Along-Wind Dispersion Coefficient Model from Field and Wind Tunnel Data


Morris, J. M. - Presenter, University of Arkansas
Spicer, T. III, University of Arkansas

Modeling the effects of along-wind dispersion is particularly important for instantaneous, finite-duration, and time-varying releases of hazardous, toxic, or flammable materials. Current models can under or over predict the along-wind dispersion coefficient, σx, by a factor of 100, resulting in poor assessment of the consequences of a hazardous chemical release. Past field trial and wind tunnel data has been analyzed to improve the parameterization of σx. An ongoing experimental program studying finite duration releases of neutrally buoyant gasses released from a ground-level, area source in a wind tunnel is underway to improve how finite duration releases are modeled.


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